From the O by Giotto onwards, how many circles! But even before that, going back to the invention of the wheel. The table top is perfect and imperative in its simplicity, on four slender legs.
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Technical data
Kazuyo Sejima
Product CodeD00700H431A95
Old Product Code8670070
FeaturesComposition: polished stainless steel
Height: 36 cm
Diameter: 45 cm
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Kazuyo Sejima
Kazuyo Sejima was born in Japan where she graduated in 1979 and completed her master course in 1981. After working at Studio Toyo Ito & Associates from 1981 to 1987, she founded Kazuyo Sejima & Associates. Already his first works reveal that ability to translate the technique and materials of modern architecture into a poetic key, which is the main characteristic of his work. Common characteristics...